Thursday 19 April 2018

Is The Dome of The Rock, The Next 9/11 False Flag By Israel?

Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Adam Green are both Jewish. 

I welcome their courage in speaking up against the obvious Zionist connection to 9/11. 

In this video discussion they talk about I Pet Goat II which is over here, and also lend weight to my criticism of Jerome Corsi that he is a Zionist shill.

Disturbingly, they analyse the indicators that Israel will bomb the Dome of the Rock, in a new 9/11 false flag, and blame it on Christians in an attempt to ignite the war to benefit Israel.

Saturday 14 April 2018

Donald Where's Your Troosers


Even one death is murder of an innocent.

New York Times Bestseller, Kurt Eichenwald & Child Porn

Kurt Eichenwald wrote a conspiracy bashing piece in Newsweek a while back. 

He claims it was research for a New York Times article.