Tuesday 4 July 2017

Statement Analysis Expert - Peter Hyatt

Statement analysis is probably the most interesting methodology I've ever come across in terms of robustness, utility and fit for purpose application. I'm considering taking the online course in the subject as the applications for it are vast. 

I first came across the subject by overhearing my father playing Richard D Hall on the McCann's testimony to an Australian TV station. I'd heard their words before and I thought they reeked of dissemblance. However listening to Peter Hyatt translate gut-instinct into a linear and proven methodology is very powerful and I'm now hooked on the subject. 

There's quite a few alternative media testimonials that could be destroyed through this method.

Monday 3 July 2017

Was Ronald Reagan A Homosexual?

A fellow researcher and I have been discussing the likelihood of Reagan being a programmed multiple and/or homosexual. Cathy O'Brien has claimed he is both, although we always have to be careful with the testimony of an MKULTRA survivor

This latest interview I came across above, does add more credibility to the claims.

Update: Video censored so I have replaced with close replacements.

Sunday 2 July 2017

Madeleine McCann - Parental Murder Identified Through Statement Analysis

Richard D Hall brings in Statement Analyst Expert Peter Hyatt who works with Institutions like the FBI and Law Enforcement all over the US to determine when people are lying. 

If you haven't seen this information you will be blown away - I'm confident of that. 

It's not so much that the McCanns are lying, it's the critical deconstruction and analysis of their language which proves once and for all that there is something dark at the heart of the McCann story and as usual (for those who have studied Richard D Hall's presentations), it involves British intelligence, British politics, British media and highly likely  involvement of child sexual abuse. 

Rich Planet explains why.